What is
Phi Sigma Pi?
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity is an inclusive organization dedicated to: promoting lifelong learning, inspiring Members to lead, and cultivating lasting fraternal bonds, while always conducting our lives with honor. We commit ourselves to a life of social service with the goal of improving humanity through our principles: Scholarship, Leadership, and Fellowship.

About Gamma Xi
The Gamma Xi Chapter is Drexel University's Chapter. Our purpose is to bring together some of the brightest and most motivated students on campus and work together in a spirit of excellence to encourage three ideals:
The acquisition and dissemination of information and knowledge through scholarship.
The application of professional skills and the fostering of leadership qualities by promoting and advancing the welfare of humanity.
The fostering of non-discriminatory, fraternal fellowship within our ranks.
Collectively, these three ideals are known as "The Tripod" of Phi Sigma Pi.