The Tripod
Phi Sigma Pi is built on a Tripod of three ideals: Scholarship, Leadership and Fellowship which support the ultimate goal of social service. This Tripod provides direction in our organization, our programming and in our actions as Members. Combined, the Tripod guides our Members to be successful contributing citizens while at campus and into their professional careers.

Scholarship in our organization expands outside the classroom and is a part of a larger “always learning” philosophy. Like other chapters, Gamma Xi holds scholarship events that result in the acquisition and dissemination of information and knowledge among our members.


Leadership exercises the application of professional skills and the fostering of leadership qualities by promoting and advancing the welfare of humanity. Along with holding nationally award-winning Leadership in Action modules, we also support our national and local philanthropies through service. Our local philanthropy is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Fellowship fosters non-discriminatory, fraternal fellowship within our ranks that is crucial in planning successful events and activities. Fellowship provides the passion and stability to fully remain involved with Phi Sigma Pi long after you cross the graduation stage. In Phi Sigma Pi, you're part of a family, a member for life.